Dr. Ucuk Darusalam, ST., MT

Google Scholar Profile

NIDN                : 327047903

Pendidikan S1
Nama Kampus  : UI (Universitas Indonesia)
Bidang Ilmu      : Teknik Fisika, Rekayasa Fotonika

Pendidikan S2
Nama Kampus  : ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)
Bidang Ilmu      : Teknik Elektro – Opto-Elektroteknika dan Aplikasi Laser

Pendidikan S3
Nama Kampus  : UI (Universitas Indonesia)
Bidang Ilmu      : Teknik Elektro – Opto-Elektroteknika dan Aplikasi Laser

Bidang Keahlian  :
1. Sistem Komunikasi Serat Optik (Optical Fiber Communication System)
2. Sistem Komunikasi FSO (Free-Space Optical Communication System)
3. Image Processing (Digital Hologram)
4. Aplikasi Laser

Daftar Publikasi  :
1. U. Darusalam, P. S. Priambodo, H. Sudibyo, dan E. T. Rahardjo, ”Statistical beam propagation of terestrial free-space optical communication using gamma-gamma,” Proceeding of EECCiS, May, (2012).

2. U. Darusalam, P. S. Priambodo, and E. T. Rahardjo, “Noise Suppression in Signal Spectral Induced by Atmospheric Turbulence on FSO,” accepted in QIR-UI, (2015). (Choosen as the paper to be published in Journal of Technology, under reviewing)

3. U. Darusalam, P. S. Priambodo, H. Sudibyo, dan E. T. Rahardjo, “Performances of free-space optical communications over strong turbulence,” Makara Journal of Technology, vol. 18, no.1, pp. 17–23, (2014). (Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi Dikti)

4. P. S. Priambodo, U. Darusalam, and E. T. Rahardjo, “Free-space optical propagation noise suppression by Fourier optics filter pinhole,” International Journal of Optics and Applications, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 27–32, (2015). (Index of Copernicus).

5. U. Darusalam, P. S. Priambodo, and E. T. Rahardjo, “Optical spatial filter for suppression of beam wander and spatial noise effects on FSO induced by atmospheric turbulence,” Advances in Optical Technologies, April, (2015). (Index of Scopus, H-Factor = 12)

6. U. Darusalam, P. S. Priambodo, and E. T. Rahardjo, “SNR and BER Performance Enhancement on FSO Induced by Atmospheric Turbulence Using Optical Spatial Filter,” International Journal of Optics and Applications, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 51–57, (2015). (Index of Copernicus).

7. Ucuk Darusalam, Sekartedjo K, (2002), “Computer Generated Holograms by Bipolar Intensity Method on the Geometrical Set-up of Horizontal Parallax Only – Off-Axis Transmission”, Proceeding of International Conference on Optics & Laser Application, ISBN 979-8575-03-02, pp. C.74 – 78., 2 – 3 September 2002, Jakarta,. Penulis ke-1

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